Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sister In Law Jealous Baby My Sister In Law Has Just Had A Baby Girl And I Cant Help But Feel Jealous That She Has Had Another Baby?

My sister in law has just had a baby girl and i cant help but feel jealous that she has had another baby? - sister in law jealous baby

I was not wrong, my sister, my real sister, but I still have a baby does my baby love is only 7 months, what do you think he really still a baby, or what if Please help as I want a husband Sex tip in the early hours of Monday to Wednesday I had my time, so there is a change that became pregnant


spinklet said...

U should enjoy as U and the baby have a baby it will not last long ... Also enjoy time with her husband No. 2 UR Baby baby can put a lot of tension in the relationship ..
Be grateful for what the United Nations also enjoyed ur self Getnet Bout Pressure pregnant Relax N Enjoy.

Enjoy it, a mummy congratulations s Aunt

First Time Mommy said...

I can certainly see some jealousy from the perspective can come from you or your child is not the center of attention. If you are pregnant, you are in the center of attention for everyone! When you finally have the baby, the child is in the center and it sometimes seems as if the mother is hardly a second glance. If the SIL is another baby in the center of attention for a while and I can understand their feelings.

You do not have a baby just b / c his sister-in-law, which is a. If your husband and you're ready for a second, so fast, then you should go. People should never be a child for reasons other than the desire / For one. Even if you have a 7 months, do not want to give your attention? How can the morning sickness, mood swings and hormonal changes caused by pregnancy?

Jessica said...

I think you should have before but need to think only a baby. Are you ready for two children so close to the old one? Not just morally, but psychologically and economically .. If you do what makes you happy, but not where to go, and simply do not bring another child into the world not only on their list, although her sister and another child ...

mommy_92... said...

I know exactly how you feel! It seems that someone I know, she is still pregnant! Just maybe the baby's mouth! But you talk to her husband, as well as for the second child are ready! I have three, and all are approximately 18 months apart, so I think I know how you feel. Although I read somewhere that you wait a year before they become pregnant so that your body time to recover and needs to, but I've had no problems. Maybe go to the doctor. and see if he / she thinks there is any reason, you should not get pregnant now. My son is 7 months and I am ready to have another, and now Good luck!

gavi624 said...

Are you jealous that she and her child runs become aware?

Jealousy is a feeling, quite normal, but does not mean you should act accordingly. I think he is missing, that was her baby, "his" and now someone has stolen the limelight. Your baby is the center of the universe for you, right?

gavi624 said...

Are you jealous that she and her child runs become aware?

Jealousy is a feeling, quite normal, but does not mean you should act accordingly. I think he is missing, that was her baby, "his" and now someone has stolen the limelight. Your baby is the center of the universe for you, right?


Have you forgotten the sleepless nights that come with the baby?

He changes diapers twice and face the reality of the "sibling rivalry" even before.

A baby is a cake walk, two runs! Not enjoy the time with your 7 months? There are many things to do to go when you start to talk, and more independent.

sgtozzys... said...

I want to leave your body at least one year before she got pregnant again. It is a natural thing that some jelousy, but you can enjoy your baby and when the time is ripe for another, and then hey jelous.

Away With The Fairies said...

If you and your partner wants another baby - Go! I am only 11 months between me, so I know what you mean to want a little bit after the first.

BabyMoll... said...

If you want another baby, support each other financially, why not?? Go!

rykell58 said...

My first question to you would be ... Helps when a baby? If you need help to be in order if you do not help that he could be very stressful to have 2 diapers. I know what you mean when you say you want a baby and your child is now just 7 months. I think it is quite normal for another child to see, then you see your baby is so big, and I think he wants another. I thought, well, my little love muffin is only 5 months, then I think everything has to have a baby ... The pregnancy of his car is so long and then eat at night. I do not even know are talking about the birth is the easy part, that after giving birth is really down. But if your husband and you're ready, then I say go for it ... The advantage is a child so early, that your children are nearby, and someone to play with his age. It's pretty expensive for you and you two, so let someone else doesell, you can not so close to her other son. Unless your doc, of course ... I love baby and I love it, a big family. You sound like a loving mother and I know why you want another, because the love she feels for her child, now that it is an unbelievable feeling that their usless a mother, she did not understand. Immediately after birth, because they do not now owned by someone else for the rest of his life and he is her son. It's amazing how much you can love someone who is not him. Good luck to you and your little love muffin. I know people there to distribute, the children were together, so that anyone can develop and not have it, that is 5 years in children. And remember that 14 days after the first day of your last period, and this should do the trick.

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